Who We Are

We believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ is truly Good News for all people at every stage of life. Our church is both an inward-looking caring community, and an outreaching congregation seeking to help, encourage, and grow our community. We know that lives can be transformed, people can start again, and that hope and redemption is available to all.

We are a multi-generational church transitioning into modern and relevant worship and teaching.

Our Scenic Rim Uniting Church (SRUC) believes in a reformed, evangelical and historically orthodox view of the Christian faith. Our roots go back to Wesley, Knox and Browne, the founders of the three great movements (Presbyterian, Methodist and Congregational) that came together in Australia to form the Uniting Church in 1977.


The Scenic Rim Uniting Church (SRUC) is a congregation of the Uniting Church in Australia.

The UCA has a reformed and evangelical theological heritage, with John Wesley’s sermons and the Westminster Confession among its confessional documents. Our heart is to live and work together as a Christian Community and to that end, we do not say we are ‘united’ but rather “Uniting.’

We believe, God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one God, known in three persons, and is defined by the dynamic and loving interaction between those three persons. God is Love. (1 John 4:8)

The Bible, including both the Old and New Testaments, is the inspired Word of God, and that God’s Word is His will. On the Cross Jesus made an all-sufficient sacrifice for the sins of the world, and that when we confess him as Lord and believe God raised him from the dead, we are saved from eternal judgement and receive the promise of eternal life (new life) in him. (Romans 10:9) At that moment God restores our relationship with Him and He sees us as righteous.

The church is the Priesthood of all believers, where every member of the church has gifts given by the Holy Spirit and for which there is a corresponding service. The church, empowered by the Holy Spirit, has an Acts 1:8 mandate and a Matthew 28 commission to be a witness of the love of God, and to go and make disciples of all nations and ethnicities.

Our Minister- RV DR Je Cheol Cook

Need some copy about Je Cheol…..