Our Ministeries

The world is full of people so it’s hard to feel lonely. People are everywhere. Even so, we can easily get wrapped in our own lives that we don’t really get to know those around us. We might have short catch ups with people at church or at work in breaks but that doesn’t mean we have truly authentic community. Here’s the thing: God didn’t intend for us to be, in the words of Paul Simon, “I’m a rock, I’m an Island.”  He designed us specifically to desire, and thrive in, relationship with others. We are our best selves when we are experiencing the highs and lows of life with others.

Don’t take my word for it though, have a read of Galatians 6:2 (Community is encouraging) or try Psalm 133:1 (Community is fun). Mathew 18:20 (Community attracts the Holy Spirit) or Corinthians 13 or Colossians 3:13-14 (Community fosters love)

Come and be a part of our community, the Scenic Rim Uniting Church, and join in with one, two or all our ministries where you can learn, serve or just come along for some fellowship. Just as Jesus met people wherever they were so too are you welcome.

We would love to see you.

Prayer Group

“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” Mathew 18:20.

You are welcome to join together with others for a time of prayer as we pray for our church, our community and all things that lay upon our hearts. 

Every Thursday 9.00am in the Beaudesert Church Office.

Every Tuesday 9.00am 9 Riverbend Drive, Canungra.

For more information Contact the Church Office

Bible Study

Our weekly studies are an opportunity to join with Rev Dr Je Cheol as he delves deeper into his previous Sundays message. Through reading the bible and learning and sharing with one another be challenged and encouraged to live for something more than just yourself.

Every Thursday 10.00am in the Church Office

Coffee & Chat

Come and join us for a FREE cup (or 2) of barista made coffee, some yummy morning tea, and enjoy a chat with other members of your community. Everyone is welcome. You will find us under the awning at the back of the church. We hope to see you soon.

Tuesday mornings at 10.00am


We are always looking for volunteers that can spare some time in our Op Shop or with Tracey’s Pantry. Did you know Volunteering offers many benefits such as creating social connections, combats loneliness, improves mental health, increases physical activity, and can offer personal growth. Not to mention it can be a heap of fun.

If you are interested, drop into the Op Shop and speak to one of the team to see how you could join us. Alternatively, you can call and have a chat phone 55411018 between 9.00 am and 2.00 pm Monday to Thursday